Outreach at St. Paul’s
Love for Children
Contact us for assistance loveforchildren@stpaulssharpsburg.com
The Love for Children (LfC) mission is to love and serve children in the Sharpsburg community. It supports the needs of the community’s children in accordance with our tasking as Christians and St. Paul’s community mission. It seeks out other people and organizations in our community to partner with us. The congregation indicated in surveys that they were interested in community outreach, and this was the catalyst that set LfC in motion. Father Patrick Pierce helped the Vestry act on it. Father Connor Newlun has led its further expansion into our community.

The LfC program, active since May 2019, is a Vestry-led endeavor. The congregation is encouraged to participate in all of its activities.
St. Paul’s congregation and the Sharpsburg community have been abundantly generous in time, food, and money donations.
Episcopal Church Women (ECW)
Welcome to the St. Paul’s Chapter of Episcopal Church Women.

We are a Christian women’s group dedicated to the betterment of all women and girls throughout the world. Over the next three years, your local leaders and the national board are focused on improving the lives of members and their communities. Join us in embracing the covenants of the Episcopal Church and celebrating women through fellowship.
Rector’s Outreach
Members of the local community who are in need of financial assistance should contact Father Connor Newlun directly at priest@stpaulssharpsburg.com.
Holy Eucharist: Sundays, 10AM
209 West Main Street Sharpsburg, MD 21782
(301) 432-7098