Worship at St. Paul’s
Worship is a ministry that all members of the congregation join in. At St. Paul’s we use the 1979 Book of Common Prayer as a manual for worship. That along with the 1982 Hymnal are available for use in the pew racks. All baptized Christians are invited to receive holy communion at St. Paul’s. Come and worship with us in the beauty of holiness.
Altar Guild

Altar Guild is made up of a volunteer group of congregants whose principal ministry is to care for the altar, vestments, vessels, and altar linens. They prepare the sanctuary for services and clean up afterwards. One member of our Altar Guild decorates the sanctuary each Sunday with fresh-cut flowers and coordinates the special arrangements for Easter and Christmas services with the assistance of other members and congregants.
Lay Leaders in Worship
We offer a number of opportunities for lay leadership in our worship services: reading holy scripture aloud, leading the congregation in prayer, helping administer holy communion, and for youth serving as acolyte. These roles require training and assume active participation in the life of the church. Contact Father Connor Newlun for more information, priest@stpaulssharpsburg.com
Holy Eucharist: Sundays, 10AM
209 West Main Street Sharpsburg, MD 21782
(301) 432-7098